• djogzs
    Terima kasih sudah berkunjung-xD

BlackBerry Messenger Now in Beta Zone

26 Maret 2012
RIM has been updating in BlackBerry Beta Zone quite frequently. BlackBerry Messenger has now been updated to version, with the following changes and known issues:

Fixed Isses

User is returned to the contact list after sending a voice note via the convenience key if the chat is opened from the Messages application.
Virtual keyboard does not appear automatically when editing personal message
When trying to switch chat from switch chat menu within conversation, user information is partially cutoff
Send picture dialog is displayed as a vertical bar for device font size 14.

Known Issues

Highlighting a BBM contact displays a different contact’s display picture.
Pressing the convenience key while the menu is open in a chat returns the user to the contact list if the chat is opened from the Messages application.
Scrolling quickly in the inline edit view allows the focus to move out on to the user’s avatar.
Pressing the Enter key while the focus is on the user’s avatar initiates the inline edit view.
Some smileys remained as text in a message sent to a multiperson chat for all participants.
Send voice note dialog buttons are cut off in landscape mode when the virtual keyboard is displayed.

BlackBerry Messenger Now in Beta Zone

Download Blackberry Messenger from Beta Zone.

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