RIM has released the latest updates for applications up to WhatsApp Messenger 2.7.7067 version of the BlackBerry App World. WhatsApp is a cross-platform chat application that can be used among others in the BlackBerry, iPhone and Android.
WhatsApp some features include:
* MULTIMEDIA: Send Video, Images, and Voice notes to your contact.
* GROUP CHAT: You can create a group chat with your other contact.
* UI NEW: Starting from version 2.7 WhatsApp have a new look.
* DO NOT NEED THE PIN: simply use the existing contact in your BlackBerry.
* FREE TRIAL. Free to use for 1 year! (Having just finished paying $ 0.99 only)
Download the updated version of the application WhatsApp Messenger 2.7.7067
If the App World still appears the old version, do refresh with RS Hold down Alt and click on the T.
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