• djogzs
    Terima kasih sudah berkunjung-xD

Gameloft Down Price at BlackBerry App World

08 Mei 2012
For those of you who like to get a game in BlackBerryPlayBook encouraging because Gameloft news, game developers multiplatform applications provide an extremely attractive discount for the game were sold to the user's BlackBerry Playbook.

This great discount is very limited and some exciting game is a game target of the user's Playbook. If the previous welcome Playbook OS 2.0 Gameloft give you a free 2 pieces of the premium game Asphalt 6: Adrenaline and Modern Combat 2 Black Pegasus HD followed by GT Racing Motor Academy HD. Now these games are not given for free but the price given is very interesting, is not up to U.S. $ 1.
There are 9 discounted game by Gameloft. What are the options the game?

 If you are interested, buy it now directly in the BlackBerry App World. Remember! This discount is limited only to the date of May 17, 2012.

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